Getting in touch with a therapist

Use our online search tool to find a suitable therapist.

Getting in touch with a therapist

When you’re ready, you can contact the organisation to make an appointment with a suitable therapist. You don’t have to talk to us first – your therapist will work with you to complete the required paperwork.

If you're feeling nervous about what to say, here are suggestions to start your first phone call or email:

  • I was on the ACC Find Support website and I was directed to your organisation as having therapists that may fit what I am looking for, can you help me?
  • I was on the ACC Find Support website and I saw one of your therapists who I think could help me, can you help me book an appointment with them?
  • I saw your organisation on the ACC Find Support website and it seems to be a good fit for me, can I ask you some questions?
  • I was on the Find Support website looking for help for my son/daughter. Do you have someone available that we could meet?

The organisation will confirm a time for you to meet with a therapist. If they don't have a therapist immediately available, they may offer to put you on a waitlist. Even if you choose to go on the waitlist, you can still contact another organisation to find another therapist. It is okay to go onto more than one waitlist.

Remember, the online search tool can help you find another suitable therapist/organisation.

Use the search tool